All You Need to Know About Seizures in Dogs

You probably felt a lot of fear if you’d ever witnessed a dog suffering a seizure. Seizures in dogs typically result in the animal collapsing to the floor, where he may remain with his legs dangling straight out from under him. In extreme cases, he may even paddle his legs or run in a frantic circle for several minutes before collapsing. Regardless of the cause, watching your dog have a seizure is terrifying, and you may be at a loss as to how to comfort them during an attack.

What causes dog seizures?

Seizures can arise from a wide variety of different factors. The most prevalent form of canine epilepsy is idiopathic epilepsy, inherited but whose precise source is unidentified. Veterinary internal medicine conditions like diseases of the liver and kidneys, brain tumors, head injuries, and exposure to toxic substances also play a role. Seizures usually happen during fluctuating brain activity, such as when a dog is excited, eating, sleeping, or waking up.

What are the symptoms of seizures?

Drooling, chomping, tongue biting, and foaming at the mouth are only some of the symptoms. Other signs include falling, jerking, stiffening, muscular twitching, losing consciousness, and even collapsing. Dogs can flop to one side and paddle with their hind legs. The seizure can cause them to urinate or defecate. It is common for dogs to appear bewildered, unsteady, or confused just before having a seizure. After that, your dog can be shaky, unsteady, or even briefly blind. If you notice these symptoms in your pet, bring them immediately to an emergency vet.

How to help a dog with a seizure?

When an animal has a seizure, there are a few things to remember. Keeping to these guidelines will ensure your dog’s and your safety during the seizure.

Try to Keep Your Composure

Whether this is the first time you’ve witnessed a dog seizure or seen several, it’s important to preserve your composure before helping the animal. Your dog will be much more terrified if you get all up in his face and start sobbing or yelling.

Relocate Your Dog to a More Secure Area

You should gently move your dog away from the stairs or the edge of the bed if he is having a seizure nearby, or put something in front of him to prevent him from falling that won’t damage him. Seizures in dogs can cause them to experience a state of panic and cause them to rush around aimlessly. They may also have difficulty maintaining their balance and may experience severe seizures that cause them to fall.

Lower Your Dog’s Body Temperature

During a seizure, your dog’s body temperature will spike rapidly. After the seizure has stopped, it may help to put cool hand towels softly over his feet. Do this after your dog has fully recovered consciousness.

Reach Out to Your Veterinarian

Get in touch with your vet immediately if this is your dog’s first seizure or if the episode lasted longer than expected. Do what the vet tells you to do. The vet may prescribe epilepsy medication for your dog if diagnosed with the condition. You should consult your veterinarian to learn more about the proper dosage and any potential adverse reactions.

How are seizures treated medically?

To determine what is causing your dog’s seizures, your veterinarian will do a full physical examination and order vet diagnostics tests. The veterinarian may prescribe medicine for your dog if it begins having seizures. When medicating your dog, be sure to adhere to the directions provided by your vet strictly.

