Is It an Emergency? Signs Your Pet Needs Urgent Care

It’s normal for pets to get sick or hurt, especially since they are naturally playful and curious creatures. However, it can be difficult to tell when they need urgent care and when they can wait for a regular vet visit. That is why it helps to know the signs that may ask you to bring your pet to an emergency animal hospital.

When Do You Need to Take Your Pet to an Emergency Vet?

Below are general signs that may warrant an emergency vet visit.

  • Excessive bleeding or vomiting. This can signify internal injuries or a foreign object lodged in your pet’s digestive system. Your vet may require diagnostic tests, such as x-rays, and may need to perform surgery. See to know more about vet lab tests.
  • Severe trauma. If your pet has been hit by a car or suffered a fall, they will likely need urgent care. Your vet will want to stabilize your pet and may need to do x-rays or surgery.
  • Seizures or tremors. This could indicate poisoning, low blood sugar, or head trauma.
  • Inability to urinate. A blockage in the urinary tract can be very dangerous for your pet and requires immediate medical attention.
  • Paralysis. This can be caused by many conditions, including spinal cord injury, tick paralysis, or poisoning.
  • Unconsciousness. This is a life-threatening emergency if your pet passes out or becomes unresponsive.
  • Signs of pain. If your pet looks in pain, take them to the vet immediately. This could indicate various problems, such as fractures, abscesses, or internal injury.
  • Uncontrolled diarrhea. This can lead to dehydration, which is dangerous for pets. If your pet has diarrhea for more than 24 hours or is accompanied by vomiting, lethargy, or loss of appetite, take them to the vet. Two possible reasons are distemper and parvovirus, which are both highly contagious and can be deadly. That’s why completing your pet shots or vaccinations on time is important.
  • Difficulty breathing. Pets can have difficulty breathing for some reasons, including heart disease, respiratory infections, and allergic reactions. If your pet is panting excessively, has labored breathing, or is making grunting noises when they breathe, take them to see a vet as soon as possible.
  • Ingestion of a foreign object or poison. If your pet has ingested a foreign object or poison, take them to a vet immediately. Be sure to bring the bottle or container of the poison with you so the vet can identify it and determine the best course of treatment.

Home Remedies If You Can’t Get to a Vet Right Away

You can try a few remedies at home if you can’t get to a vet right away. But you must remember that it’s always best to take your pet to see a professional as soon as possible.

Here are tips you can consider:

  • If your pet is bleeding, apply direct pressure to the wound with a clean cloth.
  • If your pet is vomiting, withhold food for 12 hours and offer small amounts of water every few hours.
  • If your pet has diarrhea, withhold food for 12 to 24 hours and offer small amounts of water every few hours. You can also give them boiled chicken or white rice.
  • If your pet has a seizure, stay calm and clear the surrounding area. Do not try to restrain them or put anything in their mouth.
  • If your pet has been hit by a car, do not try to move them unless they are in danger. Call a vet or animal hospital and follow their instructions.
  • If your pet struggles to breathe, open their mouth and check for anything blocking their airway. If you see something, try to remove it carefully. If you can’t, take them to the vet immediately.
  • If your pet has ingested poison, call the pet poison hotline or take them to the vet immediately. If possible, bring the bottle or container of the poison with you.

Final Thoughts

Pets can’t tell their owners when they’re sick or injured, so it’s a good idea to be aware of the signs and symptoms that could indicate a serious problem. This helps you know when to take them to see a vet right away or can wait for an appointment.

