5 Ways Emergency Veterinarians Can Help You

Although preventative treatments and routine checkups are necessary for maintaining our pet’s health, some unexpected situations require emergency care. Whether it’s a sudden unknown illness, deadly injury, or any other type of urgent condition, having access to emergency veterinarians can help provide the assistance and care your dog needs.

In this blog post, we’ll discuss why emergency veterinary care is necessary and how it can be crucial if your pet faces a life-and-death situation.

The Importance of Emergency Veterinary Care in Pet Health

No matter how bushy-tailed, healthy, or jolly your dog is, there are scenarios where they’ll face various emergencies in their lifetime. When a critical situation affecting your pet’s health occurs, and your vet is closed, you wouldn’t wait hours to get assistance and ease their condition. This is where you need to take them to an animal hospital 24 hour emergency in Boulder.

Here are five more reasons to do it in crucial cases.

1. Accessible Outside Business Hours

Accidents don’t follow a schedule and don’t often happen during business hours. It tends to occur when you don’t expect it most. If your pet jumps off the deck and breaks their leg or gets hit by a car, you would not let them suffer any longer if you deeply care for them. You’ll do everything to find treatment. Having an emergency veterinarian perform surgery outside normal business hours can give you peace of mind that someone can attend to your situation anytime. You may click here for more info on common pet surgical operations.

2. Available When Your Veterinarian is Busy

When an injury, accident, or unknown health conditions occur to your pet during your vet’s busy hours, you may not always have the luxury of finding an opening for them to prioritize you. However, having an emergency veterinary diagnostic lab nearby ensures your pet can get immediate treatment and diagnosis, even if the problem occurs during your regular vet’s fully-booked schedule.

3. You Get Prioritized

Emergency veterinarians know how to evaluate a patient depending on the severity of the condition. So if your dog is in a critical state, expect you’ll be moved to the front line to be prioritized.

4. Open During Weekends

Everyone loves weekends. This is when most busy pet owners devote their time to their furry buddies through numerous fun activities. However, this fun can turn into injuries quickly. If your pet gets injured on a Friday night, you won’t wait the entire weekend until your veterinarian’s clinic opens on Monday. If you think you can make it through the long weekend, hoping your injured pet makes it through Monday, their condition might worsen and become more painful.

However, emergency vet facilities ensure help and treatment are always available, even on the weekends when injuries occur to your pet.

5. Helps You Treat Your Pet With Confidence

Most of the time, pet parents can wait to take their sick pets to the veterinarian and wait in line during normal working hours. However, there are critical situations when this is not applicable. For example, you are monitoring the health of your sick pet at home, and you see sudden changes. You’ll need to call your vet, but sometimes they might be too swamped to grab the phone or answer your questions simultaneously. But since emergency vets are available 24/7, you can anticipate that help is always there when you need it.


Pet situations that need urgent attention can sometimes be overwhelming and too much for fur parents to manage. But knowing the capacity and capabilities of emergency vets, you don’t have to dread the burdens you have on your shoulder too much. Professionals specializing in emergency veterinary care can provide immediate assistance in crucial situations and relieve your worries.

