The old Chinese procedure of using accurately put needles to deal with bodily diseases is referred to as acupuncture. This treatment is currently being utilized worldwide, and many claims to have significantly gained from it. Nobody understands why the procedure works the way it does, even today. Even without scientific evidence, many individuals can attest to its benefits. We cannot eliminate the idea that dealing with discomfort and illness is a great way.
Benefits of Pet Acupuncture
Did you know that acupuncture isn’t just helpful for people but even for your dog or cat? Pet patients suffering from the following problems can usually benefit significantly from this procedure:
1. Reduce Allergies
Acupuncture may help reduce your pet’s allergic reactions to certain foods or substances by assisting the body in regulating its immune systems, like environmental irritants, pollen, grasses, molds, preservatives, and more. Vet acupuncture can also assist dogs and cats with skin allergies like allergic dermatitis, granulomas, rashes, or hot spots. Acupuncture might be helpful for these conditions, as increased circulation can speed up healing, and pain relief can relieve the discomfort of extreme scratching, biting, or licking.
2. Recovery from Injury
Acupuncture can help a dog or cat feel better after an injury, lessen the need for painkillers, and hasten the recovery process after surgery. Acupuncture needles inserted into the skin relax muscles, improve blood flow, and reduce swelling, letting injuries heal faster. This is particularly beneficial for pets with chronic ailments like arthritis, hip dysplasia, dermatitis, thrombocytopenia, or cancer.
3. Treats Digestive Problems
Acupuncture can help if your pet suffers from nausea, diarrhea, or chemotherapy nausea. Severe phases of nausea are common in dogs’ and cats’ first experiences with the disease, and acupuncture procedures can be really helpful by increasing blood flow and releasing endorphins, which have morphine-like effects to ease stress. It also helps in the normalization of digestion activity.
4. Reduce Anxiety
Who wouldn’t want their pet to live a less stressful life? Acupuncture can help pets with behavioral problems like anxiety by reducing Cortisol levels. Because of the soothing effects of acupuncture, this is suitable for scared cats, skittish or aggressive dogs, and any other often worried or anxious animals.
5. Pain Management
Acupuncture is commonly used for pain management, often along with a more traditional treatment plan. Vital medical treatments, such as chemotherapy, which can be painful, are typically mixed with acupuncture to help make a pet more comfortable and capable of battling the disease.
Please contact accredited acupuncture services for more information about pet acupuncture and how it may be helpful for your pet’s pain management.
6. Improve Respiratory Function
Acupuncture can help pets with respiratory problems such as asthma and allergic reactions. Acupuncture has been proven to have relaxing and immune-system soothing properties and can cure pets with breathing problems. The immune-calming and anti-inflammatory properties of acupuncture benefit pets too.
While acupuncture for animals is becoming more popular in veterinary medicine, only a few facilities, like animal hospital Jacksonville FL still offer this treatment option.
Bottom Line
When it involves our pets, we would probably do anything to keep them from experiencing pain or discomfort. Since pet acupuncture and other complementary treatments have positive recovery and pain management results, new healing methods are increasingly being approved.
Always speak with a vet regarding developing the best solution plan for your pet. When combined with more standard medication, alternative recovery techniques such as acupuncture have the potential to make your pet’s life more pleasant.