Five Steps to Follow Before Boarding Your Pet

Making arrangements in advance can reduce your anxiety about leaving your pet behind on vacation. You can do a few items to make your vacation simpler for you and your pet, regardless of whether you board your pet or employ a pet sitter. Finding excellent care for your dog or cat while you’re away may be challenging, but you’ve done your research and believe you’ve found the ideal boarding facility.

Tips for preparing your pet for boarding.

Even the most laid-back and adaptable pets can be stressed by boarding, so you must ensure that your pet is prepared for the change. Here are five precautions to take before boarding your dog or cat:

Attempt a Trial Run

If your pet has never been boarded before, or you’re traveling to a new facility, you should schedule a trial run a few weeks in advance. Make an overnight boarding arrangement for your pet and leave them for at least 24 hours to acclimate to their new habits.

This also allows the boarding staff to become more acquainted with your pet before your departure, allowing them to be better prepared for any peculiarities your pet may possess that require help from a veterinary dentistry specialist or any other professional. This trial run may make it more effortless to drop off your dog or cat when it’s time to leave, reducing stress for you, your pet, and the boarding staff.

Adjust Sleep Habits

If your dog or cat is accustomed to sleeping in your bed the entire night, they may require some time to adjust when you board them.

To help your pet adjust to sleeping alone or in a kennel, try closing your bedroom door at night and, if necessary, crate training your pet. If your pet cries or makes too much noise to allow you to sleep, consider putting the crate into your bedroom, but do not let your pet sleep in your bed.

Keep the Comfort

While many pet boarding facilities offer creature amenities, nothing compares to the scents and textures of home-cooked meals and familiar bedding. Most boarding for pets facilities permits minor comfort items from homes, such as a blanket, rug, or soft toy, to make your pet more at ease. These items will make your pet feel more at ease and secure in its new environment, resulting in a more pleasant boarding experience.

Plan Your Drop-off

If your schedule permits, plan to deliver your pet to the boarding facility early. This gives them the full day to adjust to their new surroundings, with more staff members available to support them if they get anxious before bedtime. Additionally, the additional time permits you to call and check on your pet on the first day, allowing you to sleep more soundly.

Consult the Vet

All boarding facilities require a recent veterinary exam and a current dog vaccination for your pet’s welfare and the protection of other boarded animals. Make an appointment with your veterinarian a week or so before your vacation to ensure your pet is healthy and up-to-date on vaccinations. Your veterinarian may have suggestions for helping your pet acclimate to boarding.


Numerous pet owners wish they could take their animals everywhere, but this is not always practical. While separation can be distressing for you and your dog, boarding assures that he will receive the care and attention he needs. Follow the steps above while preparing for a lengthy departure to alleviate your pet’s anxiety and promote your sense of calm.

