Getting Ready and Setting Expectations for a Senior Pet

Opening your heart to an old, new friend is a challenging yet rewarding experience. Looking after a senior pet that you have only met can be a slow and delicate process. It would be best to keep things in mind as you introduce yourself and your household (other pets included) to your new senior member of the family. Let’s look at two things: how to look after your senior pet and the conditions you may need to pay attention to.

Giving Your Senior Pet a Warm Welcome

It takes preparation to effectively take care of your senior pet. Although they will adjust on their own and at their own pace, you have to set out the strategy to support the senior pet living in your home. Before bringing the cuddly buddy home, ensure you readied the following.

A Senior-Friendly Space

A peaceful space to be alone, a comfortable bed, and a water dish within reach are some things that need to be ready for your new pet’s homecoming. Make sure that the floorings are not too slippery. Have quickly available bathroom space, and ensure there are no obstacles present to avoid mishaps or physical exhaustion.

Introduction to Other Pets

Pets are territorial. Cats and dogs might both display hostility when there is somebody new. Your senior pet will not appreciate the unwanted tension, so prepare how you can slowly introduce them to your tribe.

Senior Diet

Nutritional needs change at certain ages. Seek advice from a vet initially to get suggestions and guidance concerning pet diets. Diets are not one-kind-fits-all; you can learn more about your pet’s needs as the days progress.

Grooming Assistance

As dogs and cats grow older, their fur changes. It loses density and gloss, which can cause matting and other problems. Your senior pet feline might not be as flexible anymore to groom itself. Be ready for brushing sessions during cuddle time.

Regular Exercise

These animals are not as bouncy as they used to be, but they still need to move. Schedule short daily walks or prepare an area where they can move. Their joints might not be cooperative as in the past, but they still need physical and mental stimulation daily.

Common Medical Conditions to Expect

Degenerative issues will come. Do not be surprised when trips to the vet get more constant. The best way to keep their health is the bi-annual health check; however, be ready to go when other problems occur. If you have senior pets, make sure you have a 24/7 vet hospital near you, such as Memphis Veterinary Specialists, that can help even in emergencies.

Eye Issues

Glaucoma, cataracts, or complications of diabetes are most common in senior pets. If you notice them bumping, losing balance, or having eye discharge, it might be time to see the pet opthamologist. Eye problems worsen quickly, so do not let them go untreated.

Hearing Problems

Once your pet shows signs of nervousness or disobedience, chances are that hearing is already impacted. Hearing issues are permanent; you can begin teaching hand signs early to allow communication as the days progress.

Skin Diseases

Skin gets thinner as animals age. Likewise, as the body’s immune system gets weaker, pets may be unable to ward off infections. When you find something irregular on your pet’s skin, see the vet immediately for skin care for pets and to effectively manage the situation. 

Oral Diseases

This is common in senior pets, so be watchful for plaque accumulation, gingivitis, and tooth decay. These can cause numerous issues, including weight loss and bacterial infections.

Arthritis or Joint Issues

Lack of mobility or flexibility problems are brought on by arthritis or joint pains. Ask the veterinarian about non-invasive treatments for pain, such as acupuncture and cold laser therapy, to let them enjoy their remaining years pain-free.


