How to Maintain Your Pet’s Oral Health

We need to keep our pet’s teeth as healthy and functional as possible, as well as prevent dental plaque and tartar buildup, as well as dental and periodontal disease. Our pets require consistent dental care. Learn more about pet dental care.

Keeping Dental Hygiene

There are a lot of conflicting details about pet dental care. Any pet store or supermarket will have a dizzying array of products for dogs and cats, all promising to meet their dental hygiene needs.

1. Appropriate food

According to scientific evidence, food is a simple method for maintaining your pet’s dental hygiene. When chewed, Royal Canin Dental biscuits’ distinctive shape, size, and texture produce a mechanical brushing effect on teeth, assisting in removing tartar and plaque. Furthermore, adding a specific nutrient that effectively reduces plaque deposits contributes to tartar reduction.

2. Remove the plaque

These products are effective in two ways: reducing overall bacterial loads in your pet’s mouth, which helps with bad breath, and softening plaque on the tooth surface. Plaque can be removed more efficiently with an appropriate diet, regular brushing, or chewing if the plaque is soft.

3. Bones and Chews

Products that encourage your pets to chew are beneficial because they help spread protective saliva around teeth and remove plaque. Some dogs and cats cannot eat bones, and others cannot eat them due to a medical condition or gastrointestinal sensitivity. Bones can also cause dental fractures, choking hazards, and ingestion injuries. We recommend that you select dental chews from your local pet store.

If you suspect your pet is sick, you can follow link from your vet’s website for information on what you should do because sometimes they post educational information. But don’t hesitate to contact the veterinary healthcare team with inquiries about your pet’s needs. If it’s an emergency, go straight to the clinic.

4. Pet’s Teeth Cleaning

It should be no surprise that dogs and cats benefit from routine tooth brushing because plaque builds up 12 hours after a scale and polish or brushing. Brushing their teeth is the “gold standard” method for keeping them clean. We brush our teeth twice a day, so your pet should also get veterinary dentistry care.

There are numerous dental brushes and various styles and dental pastes. Pet dental kits typically include a double-headed toothbrush and toothpaste specially formulated for your pet’s mouth. Finger brushes are among the other tools available.

Because cats and dogs cannot use fluoride toothpaste designed for humans, you must use a pet-specific dental paste. You must teach your pets to accept having their teeth brushed from an early age. It is best to begin with a puppy or kitten; gradually developing a system is critical.

Why should I brush my pet’s teeth?

You must prevent bacteria from growing on the teeth through proper dental hygiene. White blood cells are drawn to bacteria, resulting in pus and inflammation. The pus has no effect on the teeth, which is strange. However, you may severely damage the nearby bone and gums. It causes gum and bone loss, worsens over time, and causes teeth to fall out.

The name of the entire process is periodontal disease, the most common illness in the world. As a result, you should brush your pet’s teeth. Cleaning is essential for elderly animals and animals suffering from other diseases. This vet internal medicine service offers diagnosis and treatment for your pet. Consult them immediately if you suspect anything odd with your pet.


There is a chance that your dog or cat has dental disease if they are more than two years old. Take care of their teeth the same way you would your own. The key to keeping your dog’s gums and teeth healthy is incorporating a dental care product into their daily routine.

