Tips to Consider When Keeping Your Dog’s Teeth Clean

Dogs’ oral health is a crucial feature of their general well-being. Dogs may suffer from major dental problems such as bad breath, gum disease, and cavities if they are not adequately cared for and maintained. Fortunately, pet owners may take some basic precautions to keep their dog’s teeth and gums healthy. This is required to enhance their dogs’ dental health and avoid more significant health problems in the future. So, how should you look after your dog’s teeth?

How to Keep Your Dog’s Teeth Clean

Keeping your dog’s teeth clean is an essential element of pet care. Poor oral hygiene in dogs may result in various dental and health issues, including infection, tooth loss, and other major medical disorders. Therefore, you should create and maintain a decent dental hygiene practice for your dogs to keep their teeth clean and healthy. Here are a few pointers to keep your dog’s teeth clean and healthy.

1. Brush your dog’s teeth regularly.

Brush your dog’s teeth twice a week using a toothbrush and toothpaste formulated exclusively for dogs. It is essential to start brushing your dog’s teeth as early as possible to create a habit. Additionally, you should keep an eye out for indications of infection or dental problems in your dog’s mouth, such as discolored teeth, swollen gums, poor breath, frequent drooling, and trouble eating.

Suppose your pets are suffering from periodontal disease or other dental issues. In that case, your veterinarian may recommend a professional teeth cleaning and even oral surgery if necessary. Some veterinary facilities also offer boarding services for pets as they are recuperating from their oral surgeries, providing owners with peace of mind knowing their beloved pets are in a safe and secure environment. You can search “dog boarding near me” online to locate a boarding facility in your locality.

2. Provide your dog with dental chews or toys.

Dental chews and toys stimulate your dog’s gums, which helps eliminate plaque and tartar accumulation. However, these items should be mainly designed for dogs and made of rubber, nylon, or similar tough material that may be chewed without providing a choking threat. If these chews or toys get frayed or damaged, little fragments of the material may quickly become caught in your pet’s throat. Therefore, get chews and toys suitable for your dog’s size, weight, and chewing tendencies.

3. Get regular veterinary dental check-ups.

Regular veterinary examinations are necessary to keep your dog’s teeth and gums healthy and to detect any dental abnormalities early on before they become more severe. Regularly examining and cleaning your dog’s teeth can help prevent dental issues such as periodontal disease, which can lead to other serious health problems. 

Some veterinary facilities also offer other services like routine vaccinations and parasite prevention, which are essential for your dog’s well-being. Regular visits to these facilities will help identify any changes in your dog’s health early, allowing you to intervene and treat the issue before it becomes more serious.

4. Monitor your dog’s diet.

Choosing dog foods with the right mix of vitamins and minerals and avoiding meals with a lot of sugar can help your pet’s dental health. Eating the right food and avoiding unhealthy snacks can keep your pet’s teeth and gums healthy. Regularly checking your pet’s food label and consulting a dog and cat dentist can help ensure your dog gets the essential nutrients. This can be especially important for senior dogs, as they may require additional nutrients to support their aging bodies.

