A Guide to Maintaining Your Pet’s Heart Health

Our animals are unable to inform us when something is amiss. Consequently, we must be particularly watchful. Internal discomfort in your pet is common, and problems are often overlooked. You can maintain your pet’s heart health and overall well-being with simple, everyday care. Animals can have heart problems like people. Age-related or inherited heart problems cannot be prevented, but they can be identified and treated early on.

How to keep your pet’s heart healthy?

There is no way to prevent heart disease, but there are various measures you can take to keep your pet’s heart as healthy as possible.

Feed them with healthy food. 

Your pet, like you, should avoid high-fat, high-sodium diets that can cause weight gain, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol, all cardiovascular disease risk factors and can even lead to an appointment with veterinary cancer specialists


Experts suggest supplementing your pet’s premium brand of dry or canned food with high-quality protein and vegetables. In addition, experts advocate feeding your pet vegetables instead of goodies from a package or bag. You can vary the antioxidants your pet receives by feeding him or her vegetables of varying colors.

High-quality protein and veggies should be added to your pet’s dry or canned food.

However, certain meals should be avoided. The onion family, which includes all types of onions, shallots, leeks, and garlic, should be avoided. Grapes and raisins are also restricted since they may be toxic to some animals. Fruit is generally harmless for pets unless they are overweight. Occasionally, organic berries are still appropriate.


Depending on the calorie density of the food served, the amount of food you should provide varies significantly. A low-calorie diet may be the best remedy if your pet is overweight. Additionally, you must use a measuring cup to calculate the feeding portions.


A sedentary lifestyle is one of the top risk factors for both human and animal heart disease. Consequently, moderate regular activity can dramatically reduce your risk of heart disease! Nonetheless, seeing a physician before commencing a new exercise regimen is usually good.


During a routine exam, your veterinarian in Thousand Oaks can rule out any underlying health concerns that may be exacerbated by exercise. If your pet is inactive, gradually increase the amount of exercise he receives. Beginning with 10 minutes of exercise multiple days per week, progressively increase your activity to at least 30 minutes per day.


Various forms of exercise include walking, running, swimming, hiking, playing fetch, and agility training. Climbing to a lofty perch and playing with a feathered toy are also forms of exercise for cats.


Remember that the amount of physical activity a pet requires varies greatly depending on age, breed, weight, and health. Consult a veterinarian if you are uncertain about how much exercise your pet needs.

Maintaining weight.

Overweight dogs and cats are more likely to suffer various health problems, including heart disease. As in humans, animal excess weight causes the heart to work harder. Conversely, weight loss will assist in improving cardiovascular function.


Before your pet can reduce weight, a veterinarian must treat or rule out any underlying medical conditions. If there are no underlying concerns, the key to weight loss is simple: your pet must consume fewer calories than he burns.

Have them checked on a regular basis.

A regular veterinarian or pet cardiologist in Thousand Oaks appointments are essential. By examining your pet annually, your veterinarian can spot potential problems, such as a heart murmur, in their earliest stages (or semiannually for elderly pets). This is particularly important given that animals tend to conceal sickness symptoms until the situation is difficult.


The first step pet owners should take to promote heart health in their pets is to remain informed and proactive. Adhering to these rules and taking other precautions can keep your pet’s heart healthy for many years.


