What Is the Cause of My Pet’s Diarrhea?

If your pet is having an episode of diarrhea, chances are you are feeling worried and irritated. After all, no one wants their beloved furry buddy to feel uncomfortable. However, there is no need to worry. Diarrhea is not necessarily a cause for a serious problem; it is common in cats and dogs, and there are numerous reasons why it might occur in the first place.

What are the causes of diarrhea in pets?

Diarrhea in pets can be very uncomfortable and is caused by several factors. Digestive complications such as irritable bowel syndrome, food allergies, or infections can cause pets to experience diarrhea. Parasites like heartworm, roundworm, and hookworms are all primary causes of this gastrointestinal condition.

In addition to these more traditional issues that may lead to acute diarrhea, physical blockages due to foreign objects or lumps, toxins, and certain drugs can also irritate your pet’s digestive system enough to induce episodes of the ailment. You can check out websites like https://www.tlcanimalclinic.com/site/home to learn about the causes of diarrhea and how to protect your pet against this condition.

What are the symptoms of diarrhea in pets?

If your pet has frequent loose or watery feces, this is the main symptom you should look out for. Additionally, look for other associated symptoms such as vomiting, lethargy, lack of desire for food, abdominal pain and cramps, weight loss, and dehydration.

Whenever your pet experiences any combination of those signs and diarrhea, it is important to take them to an animal clinic to provide further assessments and guidance on how to treat your pet’s ailment properly.

How is diarrhea treated in pets?

Your veterinarian will take into account the pet’s medical history, including any pet vaccinations they may have, and assess the extent of their symptoms prior to recommending treatment. Depending on the reason, vets may suggest dietary changes or supplements that boost digestive health. 

Veterinarians may prescribe antibiotics or anti-inflammatories to help clear up diarrhea quickly if required. Surgical treatment is often needed to treat more severe complications that can not be treated just through medication. Meanwhile, if your pet does not currently have a vaccine, the best way to protect them from contracting diarrhea or other diseases in the future is to get your pet vaccinated.

When should you take your pet to the vet for diarrhea treatment?

Any prolonged or severe diarrhea symptoms must be taken seriously when treating your pet to the vet. If your pet’s symptoms last longer than 24 hours or seem particularly distressed, take them to a vet immediately. Furthermore, watch out for signs of dehydration, including fatigue, dry tongue/gums, and lethargy which can adversely affect their health and require urgent medical care and diagnosis.

How can you prevent your pet from getting diarrhea in the first place?

In addition to giving your pet a balanced diet plan and plenty of water, keeping up with your pet annual check up can help protect them from getting diarrhea. Doing so will make it possible for you to detect any possible problems early on and create a proactive strategy – rather than a reactive one – to meet your pet’s demands. Also, make sure not to overfeed treats to avoid digestive upset, which can lead to diarrhea.


Like us, our pets can get diarrhea for several reasons – some serious and some not so much. Moreover, it is essential to know the warning signs so you can take action quickly if something is not quite right.

With proper diet management and regular check-ups with your vet, there is no reason why your furry friend will not stay in good shape. If you are ever worried about your pet’s health, do not think twice about calling your local animal clinic today.

